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How to add text

  1. Open the Zope Management
  2. Go into the folder of the room where the text shall appear e.g. raum24_0.
  3. Fill in an ID name e.g. text_raum24_0.
  4. Go into the folder you have just created.
  5. Within that folder, create an ECHO_mapText.
  6. Click on “Graphic Coords” (see the tabs above).
  7. Create an area by clicking in the picture and dragging a shape with the mouse.
  8. Select “text”.
  9. The text appears when you move your mouse over the area.
  10. Please note: The size and position of the created rectangular differs from the rectangular in the frontend. So please check if it fits your needs.
add_text.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/10 14:13 by