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Import and Export



  1. Select the checkbox in front of the object you want to export and click on the button Import/Export.
  2. The field Export object id holds the id of the object. Don't change this otherwise you export anothor object or an error occurs.
  3. Select a radiobutton:
    Download to local machine - the object will be downloaded to your local machine; in the majority of cases its the right choice.
    Save to file on server - the object will be saved on the server; if you choose this type of export you need a login on the server to work with the saved file object.
  4. If you want the object to be exported as an xml-file, select the checkbox XML format?. If you want to import the exported object to another zope server, don't select this checkbox.
  5. Press the button Export.

Notice: After the export you still see the import/export page, click on the tab Contents to get back to the contents view of the object.


For importing objects you must have adequate access rights on the server where zope is running.

  1. In the filesystem of the server where zope is running: copy the file/folder you want to import to the import folder of the zope server.
  2. In the Zope Management Interface: go to the folder where you want to import the object and click on the button Import/Export.
  3. In the text field Import file name type in the name of the file you want to import or if there is only a pulldown menu choose the right file.
  4. Select a radiobutton:
    Take ownership of imported objects - in the majority of cases this is the right choice.
    Retain existing ownership information - choose this only if you really want the ownership information of the object to stay the same.
  5. Press the button Import.
import_export.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/10 14:13 by